I love the rolling hills, I love the fountains, I love the daffodils, I love the fireside when all the lights are low, boom dee-ah dah, boom dee-ah dah, boom dee-ah dah, boom dee-ah dah BOOM!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Antelope Island Adventure
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Kickball and more
But today in kickball, I got a double. I GOT A DOUBLE!!! It was so awesome. I think I'm starting to get the hang of placing the ball in order to get the best outcome. I had to get myself out on my first kick because it advanced a girl from second to third. I was a little bummed that I had to do that, but I was proud that I could and I did and it worked. We still lost the game, but it wasn't so bad as our last humiliation. We put up a good fight.
Anyways, here are some cool pictures from our last few games. We just finished the regular season, but we have tournament coming up starting next week. It's single elimination. Hopefully we won't get out in the first round… Hopefully.
So was looking through my recent photos and realized I needed to catch you family folks up. So here it goes:
A couple weeks ago, we decided to go sidewalk chalking all over campus. We started in the parking lot across the street from our apartments. We drew chalk outlines of people (like a murder scene) and made random parking spaces into reserved spaces. We also drew chalk outlines of people who died right outside the testing center and labeled them by class. It was really fun to do.
We thought this was kind of humorous. It was positioned at the entrance of the parking lot.
In case you can't read it, this body is labeled Testing Center Victim Econ 110
Last weekend we had a ward activity and part of it included a massive flour fight. It was so fun! We all had knee high nylons filled with handfulls of flour at the toe and hit each other with them - boys verses girls of course. We had a great time and got really messy.
Also among the new photo update are some of kickball. Proof that I really do play sports…kind of.
Monday, May 18, 2009
stinkin' new fangled computers!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Blogs - a blog entry
So I have been reading some of my friends blogs and I still can't quite figure out how they come up with so much material. Sometimes I think, maybe my life is just boring, but I don't think that's it. Dad always says, "You're living the dream!" I guess that's kind of true. I really am enjoying school. I love my major, classes are interesting, fun and applicable, the social dynamic of the ward is unparalleled, and this is officially a run-on sentence. Life is good, I just don't know what to say about it.
PS Dear family, you may notice (or not) that my blog is now public. If you want, you can leave comments (Jordan tells me that all bloggers enjoy getting comments - he is the blogger master, he should know) and you shouldn't have to log it to see it.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Look at me! I'm a photographer!

Happy Mothers Day
So, I'm in the middle of spring term. It's going pretty well. Busy, but a good kind of busy. Not too much. I'm taking 3 classes: New Testament, Form and Analysis (one of my last music classes) and Dance for Elementary Education Majors (how to teach little kids dance. It's really fun) As well as that, I'm working about 15 hours a week with the records department in the imaging office (we scan a bunch of stuff into databases) and I'm rehearsing up to 15 hours a week for the opera!!!