I and some other college students home for the summer were asked to bear our testimonies on a subject that has been on our minds or we had studies recently. So we gave our "talks" last week.
I bore my testimony that the church was true and that scripture study will bring us close to God and will teach us more about God and His son so that we can love Him and revere Him more. I said that as I studied regularly for my New Testament class, I grew to know and love the Savior more than I ever have. Also, our agency is the only thing we can actually give to God and so when we do, it is a sign that we really have been converted. And when we give up our worldly wants or wishes to stop and study the scriptures, that is showing who is really first in our lives.
I don't actually remember exactly what I said, this is kind of the jist of it. I had prepared by looking up scriptures on some subjects and writing down some phrases and truths that I came across, but when I stood up to the mic, I really believe I was led by the spirit to say what I said. I just talked and I was surprisingly eloquent, knowing myself. I also noticed that I was smiling the whole time I was speaking and I didn't know why, but I was so happy. This was a testament to me that the spirit and the gospel bring joy and reaffirmed my testimony as a whole. Anything that can bring that much true joy is worth following no matter the price, and for me right now, the price is small and for that I am grateful. But even when it gets harder, it is worth it because it is Good and True and brings Joy.