I'm working full time during this spring and summer here in Provo. It's an interesting little office in the basement of the administration building where we scan tons and tons of documents and I data enter the numbers attached to them. You know, dream job.
It's really nice to not have homework when I get off. I punch out and then my time is mine to do with what I will. Because of this I've been able to have some really fun times. Becca and I have ridden our bikes down to Utah Lake a few times which is a really pretty ride. And we always have all kinds of adventures. We had a bonfire last weekend and I tried my very first roasted starburst - they are so good! We go to social dance club on Tuesdays and dance the night away, and we have started a book club on Wednesdays - we're reading The Giver which is much better than I remember it being, and we have a dinner group on Thursdays and Sundays - it's really fun to eat together as a big group (yesterday's group was 9 people). We're basically living the dream.
One thing I don't like about just working all day is that I don't actually accomplish anything. Most of the time we don't have enough work to keep us all busy and so I am left to waste away the time. The fact that I could be doing something worthwhile with my time, but I'm not drives me a little crazy. But you know, a job's a job, until I get my degree and get to teach! THAT will be fun. Really difficult, draining, and sometimes frustrating I'm sure, but I'll be doing something worth doing.
But other than that, life's great. So there, now I've updated. That's all.